Photo of Garrett Wang The Delaney Sisters

Welcome to the home page of the Delaney Sisters, those mythical ladies to whom Tom Paris and Harry Kim of Star Trek: Voyager supposedly devoted their affection during at least part of the show's first season. We've chosen to name ourselves -- the rabid fans of Harry Kim/Garrett Wang -- after these doomed sisters, whose faces never even were shown on screen, in honor of lost hopes, secret wishes, and spurned women everywhere.

Top Ten Harry Kim Plotlines We'd Like to See

Top Ten Harry Kim Plotlines We Never Want to See [Again]

Top Ten Reasons Harry Belongs with Tom

Ten-Second Poll: Is he real or is he alternate?

Top Ten Harry Kim Plotlines We'd Like to See Top Ten Harry Kim Plotlines We Never Want to See [Again]
10. "The Chute," Part Two
9. A serious exploration of Harry's holodeck fantasy.
8. Harry fights B'Elanna for his man and wins.
7. Harry saves Voyager through his competence and professional conduct.
6. Anything that gets Harry into shorts or boxers (nice legs!).
5. Harry uses his engineering knowledge and smarts to develop a weapon, resource, or other useful contribution to Voyager.
4. Harry, Tom and Chakotay have a boy's night out (but don't bond).
3. Harry and the Doctor have an adventure.
2. Harry and Tom's first date.
1. Harry gets PROMOTED! C'mon, people! Even B'Elanna is a lieutenant!

Send us your plotlines

10. Harry does something young and foolish and jeopardizes the crew.
9. Anything involving romance with an allegedly alluring holodeck character.
8. Harry trying to use Vulcan logic and emotional control.
7. Harry on the planet of the alien sperm-stealing babes.
6. Harry infected with a life-threatening alien disease.
5. Harry and his Swedish beach volleyball team challenging Tuvok, Neelix and Seven to a grudge match.
4. Harry gets the disease that make everyone act drunk and sleep with someone inappropriate (unless it finally gets him together with Tom).
3. Anything involving romance with Seven.
2. Harry bonding with Tuvok, Neelix, or Chakotay.
1. Anything involving spots.
Top Ten Reasons Harry Belongs with
Ten-second Poll: Is he real or is he alternate?
C'mon, do you really see any chemistry between Tom and B'Elanna? There's more chemistry between HARRY and B'Elanna, in my opinion -- hey, she called him "Spot" when he had one of his many alien diseases.

10. They've already exchanged bodily fluids (they sweated all over each other in "The Chute."
9. They have similar taste in chicks.
8. They have a lot in common, including being the two most underused characters on Voyager.
7. They already engage in more unnecessary physical contact than any two other crew members.
6. Neither one seems to have much success with women.
5. They have already promised one another their undying friendship and devotion.
4. Even in alternate realities, they have an undeniable connection.
3. Harry won't growl, bite, scratch and hurt Tom in bed the way B'Elanna would!
2. They spend more time together than they do with anyone else on the ship, including the Delaney Sisters.
1. They just look so cute together!

There is a great deal of speculation over the actual outcome of the episode in which Voyager underwent a phase shift and produced an alternate version of itself. The real Voyager was in big trouble and the alternate Voyager wasn't, and at the end, only one version survived. Which version survived? And more importantly, which version of Harry Kim survived? We know one version of Harry was killed, and one version of Ensign What's her name's baby was as well, but another version of each managed to make it through the episode.

Which is it -- real Harry or alterna-Harry? Real baby or alterna-baby?

Coming Soon: Vote here, leave your comments, and watch the instant tally!

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Last updated December 2, 2001.
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little sisters Harry Kim and other characters associated with Star Trek: Voyager are the property of Paramount. Names are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended.