Creed's Adventures in Puddleby


Sketches from
My Adventures



Creed's Screed:
my online journal


I have collected many sketches during my wanderings on Puddleby's mainland and a few of the surrounding islands. I enjoy sketching, and I like to capture odd or funny moments and record unusual occurrences in the lands.

I have so many sketches, in fact, that it will take me a long time to reproduce all of them here. I have chosen, then, to start with a few recent pieces, and I will add to the collection over time.


A Pony's Tale
Note: You can see visionstones of this event on this page.

Something very exciting happened to me on Terrdi, day 73 of Summer, 563. I was sitting in town, not doing much, when out of nowhere, a beautiful grey pony appeared from the vicinity of the temple. He walked into town and onto the grass in front of the free library. I immediately approached him, as I have a great love for ponies and horses of all sizes. I tried to pet him, and to my delight, he seemed very friendly!

Several other exiles gathered, and we all tried talking to the pony and feeding him various items we had in our packs. He liked wheat and barley, but did not seem to know what to do with kudzu!

He seemed somewhat frail physically. DragonClaw accidentally bumped into him with a weapon equipped, and the pony's health dropped to yellow as he bolted away. He calmed down quickly when everyone gathered around to comfort him and assure him that DC meant no harm.

After that, I thought he might be thirsty, and I led him to the park in east town, with several other exiles following. The pony drank water, grazed some more, ate dandelions, then nudged my pack, looking for more goodies. He ate some more wheat, then tried several delicacies brought by Fiona: honey, grapes, even a cookie!

After a while he dozed. When he awoke, I tried giving him a name -- Cloud -- but he did not seem to take to it. Several of us discussed whether he might be lost, or whether he might have friends elsewhere in town, but further attempts to communicate with the pony failed.

Finally he fell asleep in the shade of a tree. Concerned that some of the more bloodthirsty exiles in our fair town might try to harm him, I sat nearby and waited.

After a long sleep, the pony awoke and walked to the east side of the park, where there is a tall fence. To my surprise, he leaped the fence and began happily grazing in the field beyond. Unfortunately, I was not able to follow. I was sad, but the pony came and ate a bit more barley from my paws before he trotted away for good.

I was given to know that I had helped a lost pony find his way home.

Another day, I witnessed an amusing "confrontation" between Mephisto and Maquiladora in TC...

The two sketches below are somewhat related ... one, because I'm being chained to tc in both of them, and two, because in both sketches, there's a bit of an odd-man-out in each chain...

On Terrdi, day 8 of Autumn, 557, I purchased a fen bed for our clan house (#2158 in Puddleby Hollows, and coming along nicely, if I do say so myself!). When the time for our clanhunt rolled around, I decided to rest in the fen bed while waiting for my fellow clanmembers. Appropriately, fellow femme fen Sian showed up first, and helped me try out the new purchase. Then Ootog arrived ... but after some cavorting and naughty innuendo, he graciously allowed Sim to try out the bed too.

Another sketch of interest from the last few days: there has been a significant change of scenery inside the Rose in muddy north forest. You can't fish in the little pond, I'm sorry to say.

While planting zu to help us fight LSWs on the beach near LP, we experienced a rare sighting: the elusive Water Zu!

Two more elusive aquatic critters are the rarely sighted Sea Chicken and Sea Meshra!

And speaking of plants and water, on a recent mosey around the Fringe, a few of us Destiners were able to see the tiny rocky island off the coast that Azriel has written about in his journal. I opined that the little tree clinging to life on the rock was "sweet," but not everyone in my group agreed.

I have to share this sketch of another zu-related incident. I was farming zu while chatting with Klio, and accidentally trapped a large vermine in my zu patch. Not that either of us minded! Klio and I taunted it for a while, then slaughtered it.

And speaking of slaughter, AnnGM made a visit to the Fairgrounds recently, where she indulged us with a game of monster lotto. The first sketch below is of a creature that I don't have any idea what to call (if anyone knows, please tell me). The second sketch is just a bit of GM fun...

And last for now, but not least, I just had to share this sketch of my friend Chance, a young fighter who is nevertheless becoming quite effective in some skills, with her chain of fools. She tells me she was running north from the Kitty Beach entrance area with only Arutha on her chain, then ran into one agratisen fallen in the scout snell and yet another in south farms. She expected her chain to break at any moment, but somehow she managed to tow the sad remnants to TC for healing.

Questions or comments? Send me enchanted mail